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On May 5th 2019 I became the National Poetry Slam Champion. It was like waking up in a dream. My stomach still rolls up like a gyro just thinking about it. 

I was the featured performer for all 3 Nights of TALK TENT 2019. In the green room - I was surrounded by veterans. It was an honour to perform with the story telling legend Paul Keens Douglas.


Imagine - I grew up in his audience never knowing that one day I'd be on his stage. 

Tevyn invited me to feature at his monthly open mic, Bohemia Room.  Somehow his show date and my other performances kept clashing. Until finally - it happened.

The crowd was warm. The room was a rainbow's belly. It was a good time. On this night I also won a free canvas. ( first time I've won any give away) YAY! 

I have to confirm the details of this one and write it in. 

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