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On May 5th 2019 I became the National Poetry Slam Champion. It was like waking up in a dream. My stomach still rolls up like a gyro just thinking about it.
I lover her most
I lover her most
I was the featured performer for all 3 Nights of TALK TENT 2019. In the green room - I was surrounded by veterans. It was an honour to perform with the story telling legend Paul Keens Douglas.
Imagine - I grew up in his audience never knowing that one day I'd be on his stage.
Talk Tent Performance Photo 2
Talk Tent Performance Photo 2
Tevyn invited me to feature at his monthly open mic, Bohemia Room. Somehow his show date and my other performances kept clashing. Until finally - it happened.
The crowd was warm. The room was a rainbow's belly. It was a good time. On this night I also won a free canvas. ( first time I've won any give away) YAY!
I have to confirm the details of this one and write it in.
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